Vacuum Truck
Design and manufacture of 12 Vacuum Tanks for Transpacific. Designed and constructed to AS1210, material 5mm grade 316 Stainless steel
Water Launders
Launders manufactured for SA Water River Murray water filtration plants.Material used grade 316 stainless steel
Apple Processing
Salt Dryer
Design, manufacture and installation of trummell Salt Dryer for Penrice Salt. material of manufacture is grade 316 Stainless Steel.
Flour Silos
Manufacture and installation of 6 off, 40 tonne Flour Silos and associated Air Slide conveyors for Weston Milling, Port Adelaide
200 Tonne Silo
This involved the detail drafting, manufacture and installation of a 200 tonne Silo and associated structural support steelwork for Bi Carbonate Soda. Silo manufactured from Duplex 2205.
High Speed Auger
Design and manufacture of a high speed truck loading system for Orica Mining.